sexta-feira, 6 de julho de 2012

Sou Muito Sortuda

É é sou muito sortuda
Ou talvez não

Sou definitivamente um pessoa realizada na vida *-* 

Não ganhei na loteria, nem consegui o paletó verde, nem o óculos, nem a cartola, nem um Meet&Greet da 1D 1D = One Direction... 

MAAAS eu achei a letra e a música original completa de Biggering!!! vocês não sabem o quanto eu to feliz 

At first I didn't realize
I needed all this stuff,
I had a little cottage,
And that cottage was enough.

A place where I could sit and knit,
A place where I could sell my Thneeds,
But now I've had a little time
To re-assess my needs.

And I need a bigger office,
I need a bigger chair.
A bigger desk, a bigger staff,
A bigger hat to wear.

Because I'm biggering,
I'm figuring on biggering,
And biggering is triggering
More biggering. 

Now listen up, meathead. 
I'm going to say this once, and I'm not gonna repeat it.'s like a little pet, alright?
And the more and more you feed it,
The more hungry it'll get!, you can't really blame greed
No, that's stupid.
You see, it's gotta word inside.
Yeah, that's right.
It's one that always needs to feed,
And it's never satisfied. 
You get it?
And the more you try to find it,
The more it likes to hide. Okay?
Now listen--that is NASTY little word.
And I like to call it "pride."
Now that's why you're biggering!
Listen here, idiot! 
I'm sick of all your biggering!
Because all that biggering is triggering more biggering!
Got that? Alright!

There is a principle of nature,
That most every creature knows.
It's called survival of the fittest,
Yeah and this is how it goes.
The animal that wins has got to
Kick and claw and bite and punch.
And the animal that doesn't, well
They wind up someone else's lunch.

My company's an animal,
That's trying to survive.
Struggling, and fighting,
Just to keep herself alive.
And that's why I'm biggering,
I'm figuring on biggering,
And all this biggering is triggering
More biggering.

I won't stop!
I'm biggering and biggering,
And biggering is triggering more biggering.
And the customers are buying,
And the money's multiplying 
And the people are all lying 
And the lawyers are denying,
Who cares if the trees are dying?

I'll just keep biggering. 

Bejos :* 

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